How do I delete my data from Ockto?

On this page, we show how you can revoke your consent for data sharing.

Shared data in the Ockto app

In the Ockto app, you can see in the 'Shared' menu all sessions in which you have given permission with the Ockto app to share data with a service provider.
These sessions are divided into 2 parts: Active and Completed

Ockto sessions

Under Active are all sessions that are still active.
In the example next to this, you see 1 session that can still be requested for a maximum of 13 days.

Under Completed are all sessions for which no more data can be requested. In the example next to this, you see 2 sessions. Both have the status 'Consent ended'. These sessions can therefore also not be revoked (anymore). If you do not want the recipient of this data to use your data any longer, you must contact this service provider directly.


How do I withdraw my consent?

You can withdraw your consent for active sessions. That is very simple and works like thi:

  1. First, click on the session you want to withdraw. Then a screen appears with information about this session. This includes who has already requested your information.
  2. Click on ‘Withdraw consent'. The app asks if you are sure.

If you confirm, two things happen:

  • Your permission to share is terminated
  • All saved data is immediately and completely deleted.

Important to know: the data is not deleted from the parties that have already requested your data. If you do not want the recipient of this data to use your data any longer, you must contact this service provider yourself.

Withdraw consent 1 Withdraw consent 2 Afbeelding3


Does Ockto store my data?

Ockto only stores your information during the process until the information has been received by the service provider you want to send it to.

Once the transmission is completed, you close the Ockto app or your device, or if you do not give us permission to send the data, we will delete all personal data collected by you.

Your service provider may also ask you to keep your data available at Ockto for a certain number of days. This allows your service provider to use the data to make an offer.
For this, you are explicitly asked for permission in the Ockto app when sending the data. You will receive a notification when your data is accessed by a service provider. You always have the option to revoke your consent for storage. Your data will then be permanently deleted.